Getting Started With Jekyll
This is part two in a three part series on static site generators.
- Why Static Site Generators
- Getting Starting With Jekyll (You are here)
- Advance Jekyll
In the first post I talked about what static sites are and a little bit about static site generators. I talked a lot about Jekyll, which what we are going to be talking about today.
Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby. It uses Markdown (or Textile), and Liquid to generate a static site. It’s also blog-aware, which means there’s a lot of cool features around blog posts such as permalinks and categories. In fact this blog post you are reading right now, was generated using Jekyll.
To use Jekyll, you’ll need Ruby, RubyGems, and a *nix system. If you are using Jekyll 3 you need Ruby v2 or above. If you are using Jekyll 2, you will need Ruby 1.9.3 or greater, NodeJS, and Python 2.7. Because Jekyll is distributed as a Gem, installation is really easy.
$ [sudo] gem install jekyll
Creating a New Site
To look at what’s in a Jekyll site, we are going to create a new site using the jekyll new
command. This will setup some boilerplate code for a Jekyll site.
$ jekyll new myblog
$ cd myblog
$ jekyll serve
This will start a development server at http://localhost:4000
Directory Structure
Let’s take a look at the directory structure.
|___ _config.yml
|___ _includes
| |___ footer.html
| |___ head.html
| |___ header.html
| |___ icon-github.html
| |___ icon-github.svg
| |___ icon-twitter.html
| |___ icon-twitter.svg
|___ _layouts
| |___ default.html
| |___ page.html
| |___ post.html
|___ _posts
| |___ 2016-01-27-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
|___ _sass
| |___ _base.scss
| |___ _layout.scss
| |___ _syntax-highlighting.scss
|___ css
| |___ main.scss
|___ feed.xml
|___ index.html
The _config.yml
file is the configuration file for Jekyll. One of the cool things about Jekyll is that none of these files are required. Even though this file holds the configuration for the site, there are enough defaults that it can build the site without this file. In addition you can add custom settings that will become global site variables.
The _includes
directory holds any partials that can be included in your layouts or pages. To do this, use the include Liquid tag. For example: {% include footer.html %}
will include _includes/footer.html
The _layouts
directory holds all the page templates for the site. Layouts are chosen by the YAML Front Matter of a page. To inject the page content, the {{ content }}
Liquid tag is used.
Remember how I said Jekyll is blog-aware? The _posts
directory contains all posts for the site and will generate permalinks based on the file name. The default will use the format /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html
, but you can customize that using _config.yml
Your site won’t just be HTML pages, you’ll have CSS and possibly some JavaScript. You could use just normal CSS or Jekyll has support for both Sass and CoffeeScript. In the site generated for us, it has some Sass files. First there is a _sass
directory, which is our Sass partials directory. The we have css/main.scss
. If you look at this file, you’ll notice it has empty YAML Front Matter. In order to process through Jekyll, files must include a YAML Front Matter block. You can read more about assets at Jekyll’s docs.
YAML Front Matter
Before we talk about how to add a page to Jekyll, let’s talk about YAML Front Matter. YAML Front Matter is a block of YAML that is used for building the page. It can contain information such as the layout to use, the page title, permalink, or any other custom settings or page variables. Any page that contains Front Matter, will be processed by Jekyll. Otherwise the file will just be copied over during build. Front Matter must be the first thing in a file. It must start and end with three-dashed lines. Here is an example:
layout: default
title: About
permalink: /about/
<!-- page content -->
Now that we’ve covered what Front Matter is, let’s talk about creating some content. First, let’s take a look at index.html
. This is an HTML file, but because it contains Front Matter, it will be processed by Jekyll and use the default
template. The HTML file can contain just HTML with Front Matter, but it can also contain Liquid tags. Liquid is a templating language that feels similar to Twig or Jinja. For example, if we want to list out all our posts, we can do that using this block of code:
{% for post in site.posts %}
<li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
That’s pretty cool, but sometimes writing HTML for every page is lame. Luckily we don’t have to as Jekyll supports Markdown and Textile. This will take Markdown (or Textile if you so choose) and then convert it into an HTML file. How awesome is that? You can write your blog posts in Markdown!
With content, you aren’t just limited to HTML or Markdown files. Any file that contains Front Matter can use Liquid and be processed by Jekyll during the build. For example, in the site Jekyll gave us, it has a feed.xml
file that creates an RSS feed from all the posts. You could also create a JSON file that contains information about all your blog posts to do searching through JavaScript.
I hope you’re getting a sense of how cool Jekyll is and all the stuff you can do with it, but we’ve barely scratched the surface. There’s drafts, collections, data files, pagination, and variables that allow you to do some pretty cool stuff. If that’s not enough for you, you can add plugins or even write your own to really show how powerful Jekyll can be.
I’m not going to dig into this stuff in this post. If you are interested, part three of this series will be about some more advance Jekyll features and tricks, otherwise the Jekyll docs has a ton of information.
Deploying to GitHub Pages
Now that you’ve got a functioning Jekyll site that you can view with jekyll serve
, how do you get that deployed for the world to see? There’s a lot of options here because it is just static files. You can drop them on any web server. You can also create this advance script that will deploy your site around the globe using Amazon Web Services every time you run git push
(which I’ll be talking about in the next post). Or you can keep it simple (and free) and deploy to GitHub Pages. We’re going to be talking about deploying an account/organization site, but you can also have a site for a project as well.
Setting up a site through GitHub Pages is easy. All you have to do is create a repository called, push your code to the repository, and wait for it to build (the first time can be slow).
This will host your site at If you want to use your own domain name, worry not, it’s really easy. All you need to do is add a file called CNAME
that contains your custom domain name. This should not include the http:
or any slashes (
). Commit and push this file. Then you’ll need to add record to your DNS provider. If you are using a subdomain, you can use a CNAME
record. This is the recommended option as it gives you the benefit of their Content Delivery Network and any changes to the IP of the GitHub servers (which they’ve done) won’t affect your site. If you can’t use a CNAME
record, you can use an A
record. To get the current IP address and more information, please visit their help page.
While GitHub Pages is awesome, free, and easy, there are some limitations and potential downfalls to the service. The first is that you can’t run any custom plugins, you can only run plugins listed on [this page][ghpage-plugins]. One thing you’ll notice, is that at the time of writing GitHub Pages is only running Jekyll 2.4.0. While this shouldn’t be an issue for most sites, it may cause some inconsistencies between what’s built on your machine and what GitHub Pages will deploy. Finally, the biggest issue for me with GitHub Pages in the past was downtime. A couple years ago, my site would go down for hours at a time. I’m not sure if this is still an issue or if they have improved their architecture to prevent it from happening, but it was the reason why I moved my site to AWS.
Build Something Awesome
With all this new-found knowledge of Jekyll, I hope you build some cool sites or migrate over your blog to Jekyll. Maybe you’re still not 100% sold on the idea of a static site. In the next post, I’m going to go through some more advance Jekyll features and hopefully show you that Jekyll is a lot more powerful than you think.
Update 2/1/16: GitHub Pages just upgraded to Jekyll 3.0 along with a few other changes to the service. You can view their blog post for more information.
Comments? I'm @mloberg on Twitter.